Here is our most recent update for the Fourth quarter of 2024, available to download as a PDF.
1. Spring is in full Swing
We’re taking advantage of the nicer weather to get the Good News out!
We are grateful for the nicer weather, and we are also grateful for you and your faithfulness to support the LORD’s work here in Southern Chile. Things haven’t been as smooth as we’d have liked, as we’re aware of the similar situation Stateside, but maybe we’ll all be “unburdened by what has been” and things will start looking up on the worldly/financial side of things.
2. New building!
It was a quick but great decision.
As the church grows in number, we found ourselves needing to expand a little, and the simplest option was to take over more of the space belonging to the existing meeting location. However, that would have required a couple thousand dollars worth of renovations, and we’re stretched to the limit. So, the men of the church, in a great display of Spirit-led unanimity (“in one accord”, perhaps?) chose to move our meeting location (see photo on back page).
This whole move took place over a short period of time and while there was a lot of work for me to do, we spent one Sunday moving all of the furniture and heavy objects to the new building. Speaking of the new building, it’s in a much better location, both with regard to its accessibility, as well as the security and environment around it. Plus, it required no prep work to make it ready: all we had to do was pay the rent and deposit and move all the stuff in. We had our first Sunday on the 10th, and two visitors from the neighborhood stopped by, both of whom claim to be saved (we’ll see; the default Chilean religiosity is a real pain to break through). Please pray for Luís and Moisés, that they’ll come back and that we can continue to minister to them and the rest of our new neighbors.
3. A welcome visitor
We had a guest preacher from Peru!
In 2016 the LORD allowed me to preach at a Spanish Bible conference in Arequipa, Peru, hosted by (retired) missionary Daniel Daugherty. Bro. Daugherty had planted a church which was later turned over to a his young disciple, Luís Huerta, who I was blessed to meet during that trip.
Now eight years later, after much involvement and working together, we had the opportunity to invite Bro. Luís to come and preach for us. He was with us on October 27th, and we received a major blessing from his visit. He is still seeking the LORD’s direction for his life and is considering Chile, so please pray with us that he will know and obey God’s will in where to serve.
4. Spiritual Growth
Some of our folks are really getting involved.
With some old friends joining our church, as well as others volunteering to help with certain needs, we’ve begun to offer a Sunday School time during part of the Sunday morning service. It has been great to see the ladies organize the class needs, and it definitely helps with some of the rowdier kids that haven’t learned how to sit quietly in service. Of course my preference is to have all the kids in the main service, but sometimes it’s more practical to have the kids in their own space, so we’re excited to see the folks taking this responsibility upon themselves.
In addition to the building decision, the men have also been spiritually involved in offering counsel and guidance to the younger people that have been attending of late. Of course that counsel is not always received, but it’s been a huge blessing to hear after the fact that everyone was giving the same godly advice without even having discussed it previously. Watching God’s people obey the Spirit’s leading is a tremendous encouragement.
It is with great gratitude that we offer our thanks to all of the churches and individuals that participate prayerfully and financially in the LORD’s work here in Southern Chile. Please see the other side (or second page) for contact and giving information, as well as a few photos of events over the last few months.
In Christ:
Vince, Kathie, Nathan, James, Asa, and Elizabeth LaRue

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