November 2017 Prayer Letter

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Praying Friends,

Praise the LORD for His infinite goodness and mercy to us! We’re thrilled to have a part in the LORD’s ministry here in Southern Chile, and we thank you for being obedient to the LORD in supporting us financially to that end. The month of November was extremely busy, as always, with the additional factors of both a visit from my two sisters and the due date for (and arrival of) our third son.

We would like to introduce Asa Adoniram Patrick LaRue, born 11/29/2017, at a healthy 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and 20 1/2 inches. Please add him to your prayer lists, specifically for the LORD’s will to be done in his life, and for his growth and eventual salvation as he grows up.

Speaking of salvation, our eight-year old Nathan has been very seriously asking us for a long time about eternity and his soul, and he informed us recently that he asked the LORD to save him. He stated that he knows that he’s saved for a fact, and based on his testimony we’re praising God for his salvation. James (5) is still coming to that point, so please continue to pray with us for him.

The ministry here continues to offer opportunities for witnessing and ministering, both on a personal level and as a part of the church ministry here. We’ve also begun house-to-house outreach in Osorno, with a view toward the LORD starting a new work there, so please pray for that as well. As we mentioned in our previous letter, we’re definitely not yet in the ideal situation (time, treasure, or talent- wise) to begin a new chapter yet, but the LORD has never seemed to concern Himself with our capabilities, choosing instead to reveal His power through our weaknesses (1 Cor. 1:25).
Thank you again for your continued faithful prayers and support for the LORD’s ministry here in southern Chile.

In Christ,
Vince, Kathie, Nathan, James, and Baby LaRue


Prayer Letters

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