Praying Friends,
As always, first and foremost, we want to thank the LORD for His wonderful care, provision, and direction in “our” lives (which are not our own, of course). I rejoice every day that I’m blessed to wake up in the place where the LORD put my heart over twelve years ago, and which I waited over ten years to finally reach. The fact that our family gets to enjoy being in the middle of this blessing every day is beyond comprehension.
The month of September was busy like always, starting with a visit to the town of Entre Lagos (Between Lakes) in the Xº Region, where we were approached by a drunk man who claimed to have seven murders under his belt, and who wanted to know how a person could quit drinking (my answer: “Throw it in the trash can” didn’t appear to satisfy him). His depth of religious confusion, not the least of which was his confidence in the dead “Jesus” on the crucifix around his neck, was nearly impossible to deal with in his inebriated condition, but please pray for Segundo that the LORD will work through the seed planted in verbal (Rom. 10:17) and printed form.
We also said farewell in ministry focus to a rather key town in my life. In 2005, the LORD used an event that transpired in a Catholic chapel in the heavily Catholic town of San José to call me to Chile. For the readers who recall our video, the Holy Spirit dealt with my heart about missions after watching a teenage girl praying to an idol on the wall of that Catholic building. That singular event is what the LORD worked through to call me as a missionary to Southern Chile. Now, over the last several months, the Bible Institute has been focusing on going house-to-house and preaching in every neighborhood in the town, and this month we finally finished the work. Please pray for the many thousands of souls that received the verbal and printed testimony of their eternal destiny and how they can be reconciled to Jesus Christ.
During our deputation travels, we indicated that our plan was (and still is) to work alongside the national churches and under the established veteran missionary (Bro. Robinson). None of that has changed, but it appears that the LORD’s plan may be a bit more accelerated than we had previously understood. Please pray with us as the Holy Spirit may be working in us toward beginning a new church plant. Fiscally speaking, this would be impossible with our current monthly support, so the LORD will have to do something miraculous, but we’re excited to see what doors of opportunity may be opening before us. As always, we sincerely desire your prayers on our behalf, and we appreciate your continued faithfulness toward the LORD’s ministry here.
In Christ,
Vince, Kathie, Nathan, James, and Baby LaRue
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