Lighthouse Baptist Church
We are sent out of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, Texas, ordained by the authority of the church in October, 2015.
Serving together…apart
A missions-hearted church
Lighthouse Baptist Church was planted in Grand Prairie in 2003 by Bro. David Grice, its current pastor. Lighthouse is the sending church for three different missionaries, all to Spanish-speaking countries.
KJV Believing
There’s no room for compromise on God’s word.
Position ➠ Practice
A church that puts into practice what they preach.
Safe and caring
Our home church is a place of refuge for the hurt and abused.
Missions in focus
Lighthouse supports over 80 missionaries and gives over $110,000 to missions annually.
David Grice, pastor
A graduate of Norris Baptist Bible Seminary in Fort Worth, Bro. Grice planted Lighthouse Baptist Church as a place where hurting people could get back on their feet and serve the LORD together.
“Preach” as everyone calls him is a memorable, encouraging and God-honoring pastor and friend. As a sending pastor, he provides valuable oversight and input on ministry focus and long term goals.
Bro. Grice also teaches at Norris Seminary, as well as serving as the current vice-president of the Independent Baptist Fellowship International and the president of the Independent Baptists of Texas and the Great Southwest.
God’s plan for His glory
We believe that the LORD Jesus Christ established the church to be the way in which He is glorified in this world and in eternity.
Exalt the LORD Jesus Christ
There is no greater aspiration than to lift up the name of the LORD Jesus Christ and glorify Him. In fact, it’s the eternal purpose of Christ’s called-out church.
We endeavor to both glorify God and teach others to do the same.
(Ephesians 3:9-10)
Effect the evangelization of the lost
One of the most important ways in which the church can glorify God is to preach the saving gospel of Jesus Christ, and to call to repentance those who are God’s enemies. Since God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance, a great part of our goal is the ministry of reconciliation, to preach salvation to the lost.
(2 Corinthians 5:14-21)
Edify and Exhort the believers
Since it is the church through which God has chosen to work in this world, to bring about His eternal “plan” and will, we endeavor to encourage believes to fulfill God’s will in the edification and exhortation of Christ’s body.
(Romans 14:19; Ephesians 4:16)
Expand the reach of the gospel through planting local churches
As God gives the increase, we hope to see many more people open their hearts, and then their homes, so that more churches can be planted both in Osorno and throughout the region in other population centers.
Part of this process will be training more young men to be preachers and church planters, and if the LORD allows, we will also train missionaries to send throughout Latin America and the world.
(Acts 16:14-15)
Want to learn more or get involved?
Check out our home church’s website and social media, or give our pastor a call and check on us. We’re transparent about our ministry and work on the field.
Missions support goes through our home church. Please make checks payable to Lighthouse Baptist Church and put “Chile” on the memo, along with any designation. While we can cash checks made out to us directly, it can be considered taxable if not made out to the church.
Lighthouse Baptist Church
410 NE 27th St
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
(972) 264-5422