Furlough 2026

Furlough 2026

It’s time for a visit!

We need to visit our supporters, and meet some more!

Visit current Supporters

Every so often, our supporters like for us to check in and give an update on what we’ve been doing. We even have some supporting churches we’ve never met!

Meet New Supporters

As expenses increase, prices go up, and the exchange rate fluctuates, things become more complicated, and unfortunately we have to seek more monthly support to continue the work here in Southern Chile.

Make up for lost time

Our last furlough was in 2019-2020…and you remember what happened then! We lost most of our 2020 meetings to the Plandemic, and came back home to the field in the middle of the lockdowns.

Current supporters:

We want to see you again! We’ll be in touch to make sure we get you on our calendar.

New supporters:

We can’t wait to meet you for the first time! It will be an honor to show you what the LORD has been doing in Chile, and how you can partner with us to continue the work into 2027 and beyond.

Travel Plans

Traveling the United States is not easy, nor is it cheap! We need your help to make our visit to the U.S. a reality.

Some things you can pray for

We hate to talk about money, but unfortunately we have bills to pay, and the only way for a full-time missionary to make ends meet is for God’s people to share the burden.

Plane Tickets

Our trip to the States and back home to Chile have to be financed. At best we will be spending over $4,000 per trip, just to get there and back.

Field Expenses

Since we have a good rental situation here in Chile, we intend to maintain our home, which means rent and utilities. Those expenses don’t stop just because we’re not here.

Truck and RV

As a family of 6, living on the road requires a place to stay, and we’ve come to the conclusion that the only efficient way is with an RV.

Travel Expenses

Churches are usually very generous, but don’t forget that missionaries have to eat every day, too, just like normal people! Three square meals, fuel to get down the road, the occasional haircut…it all adds up quickly!


Once we return to Chile, we need to have a good nest egg built up. Unfortunately we’re stretched to the limit right now and have no wiggle room at all, so we will be working hard to scrimp and save every dollar we can.

Achieving that elusive 100%

Since first coming to Chile in 2015, we’ve always received between 50% and 65% of our “minimum” monthly support. Some months are better than others, but we’ve never even been close to a consistent “full support”. It would be nice to change that this time around.

Contact Us

We appreciate hearing from the folks that are praying for us. We'd love to answer your questions about the ministry, Chile, or life in general. Feel free to drop us a line!