Winter Prayer Letter, 2024

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Here is our most recent update for the second quarter of 2024, available to download as a PDF.

It’s good to be saved!

We want to once again begin by thanking the LORD Jesus Christ for His goodness, faithfulness, provision, and protection over the last months, as always.

It’s also a privilege to say “thank you” to those churches and individuals that have faithfully supported our work in the LORD through prayer and financial giving.   We thank the LORD for you and know that your participation is God’s way of making the work happen in His time.

1. Rain is here

April-May is when the rain shows up.

Despite the breathless alarmism of climate activists, the weather continues as expected here in Chile, with Autumn bringing copious amounts of precipitation.  This inevitably slows our outreach somewhat, but it doesn’t stop us, especially since we pass out our packets in heat-sealed plastic bags, so the water doesn’t affect them. 

Unfortunately, the change in weather brings with it a barrage of illness. All of us have dealt with a series of colds and fevers, so we would appreciate your prayers for the health of everyone here.  Sickness also affects church attendance, so we have had a week or two where it was just our family present for the services. As any church honest church planter will tell you, that is not uncommon and it can be somewhat discouraging, but it’s all part of the process and we are grateful that everyone is returning to health.

2. Visitors

Things are decidedly slow, but the LORD brings people our way in His timing.

While we are not pragmatists (“if it works, God must be blessing it”; hear “Ten Shekels and a Shirt” by Paris Reidhead), it’s just reasonable to understand what “works” to get in contact with people, and what does not, in the culture and age in which we live.  So, we have invested some time and energy into sharing content on various social media platforms, and as a result, a new brother made contact and came to visit the church. Please pray for Gabriel and his two sons that visited us, that the LORD would make clear to everyone involved if it would be His will that they become a permanent part of Lighthouse Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista el Faro). 

3. Winter Plans

We have several new things we would like to do to reach people. 

Since here, Winter means almost non-stop rain, we typically switch gears to more indoor activities.  Some of the things we plan to implement are free English classes, offering more in-home Bible studies through social media advertising, and continued distribution of the tracts and packets we have at our disposal.  Please pray with us as we seek to follow the LORD’s leading and reach souls here in Osorno with the gospel, for the glory of God. 

We are also planning a series of Bible studies on Wednesdays, dealing with controversial topics that are typically taught badly here in Chile, and are frequently used to manipulate people.  Part of promoting this series will be sharing the posts on social media to generate interest and possibly attract some visitors, who may be interested in learning about things like salvation by grace alone, New Testament giving, eternal security, and the Sabbath (this last one being a huge issue among certain cults here).  Please pray for God’s wisdom as we prepare the materials and promote these studies, that the information would reach those willing to receive the truth.

Thank you again for your participation in the LORD’s work here in Chile, and we pray for God’s special blessing on you for your prayer and financial support.  Please see the other side (or second page) for contact information if you have any inquiries or would like to get in touch, or if you would like to see where we live on Google Street View!  

In Christ:

Vince, Kathie, Nathan, James, Asa, and Elizabeth LaRue



Prayer Letters

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